Code of Conduct

The first right is to be part of a community.

Codes of conduct in general are similar to Article 12 of the Colombian Constitution: "No one shall be subjected to enforced disappearance or to cruel, inhuman and humiliating treatment". When the original Wayúu people, who lived through 500 years of colonialism in Colombia, translated this article they wrote: No one will be able to take anyone above their heart or harm another person even if they think and speak differently.

The experience accumulated by the most diverse communities in the world has led, independently, to a universal obligation to give and receive, and to the development of technologies of reciprocity that reactivate community bonds through (festive or coercive) exchange rites.

The Congress is in itself a festive rite that aims to create and update our bonds. That is why we do it. We want to get to know each other and build reciprocal relationships. But we know that in every society conflicts arise and it is important to take care of the people who may feel affected. Therefore, in case of conflict, contact someone you trust and a member of the organization.

To preserve the health of bonds, coercive community systems first activate the three possible types of relationships: (→) the gestures, acts or gifts that the accused party offers to the affected party; (←) the help that is offered to the accused party to modify the behavior that gave rise to the conflict; (↔) and the exchange that renews understanding. Only as a last resort, in the case that the person persists in an attitude that affects the health of community ties, the accused person may be expelled.

As the last principle of Buen Vivir (in Aymara) says: Suma Churaña, Suma Katukañaz. We must know how to give and receive with joy and gratitude because life is the union of many beings and forces. See you at the next party to nourish our bonds.

Principles of Buen Vivir (Aymara version)



This Code of Conduct has been adapted from the indigenous cosmovisions of Abya Yala and is distributed under a Creative Commons Zero license.