2025 Bayes


Recommendations for Poster Preparation:

1. Size and Orientation: It is recommended to use A0 size for the poster, with a vertical (portrait) orientation. This will provide sufficient space to display and highlight the content.
2. Structure: An effective poster should have a clear and organized structure. It is suggested to divide the poster into sections such as introduction, methodology, results, conclusions, and references. Use clear titles and subtitles for each section and ensure that the information flows naturally.
3. Concise Content: The goal of a poster is to accompany a conversation. Therefore, it is advisable to communicate the key points of your work in a concise and effective manner. Avoid filling the poster with dense and lengthy text. Use bullet points, short phrases, and graphics to summarize the most important findings.
4. Design and Aesthetics: The design of the poster is crucial to capture the attention of viewers. Use readable and attractive colors and fonts. Avoid using fonts that are too small as they make reading from a distance difficult. Use images, graphics, and tables to make the content more interesting and understandable.
5. References: If it is necessary to cite bibliographic sources, include a references section at the end of the poster. Make sure to follow a consistent citation style and use the provided "biblio.bib" file to manage the references.

LaTeX Format

There are no restrictions regarding the format. For those who wish, we offer a compressed folder to generate a poster in LaTeX format. Make sure you have LaTeX installed on your system. Open a terminal and navigate to the location of the folder. To compile the poster, run "make compile" or refer to the file for more information. This procedure will execute the compilation, including the generation of the bibliography, and produce a PDF file of the poster.

We hope that these recommendations and provided instructions are useful for the preparation of your poster. Good luck with your presentation at the conference!